Friday, July 09, 2010


Well I have been MIA for a little bit. I did receive one product and will be reviewing that shortly. It has been SO hot here, that even breathing makes me sweat! Here in Washington state, we don't have AC in our homes here so that makes for one miserable blogger when it is hot. Yesterday the high was 95, and the temp inside my house was 88. Now that may not sound bad, but I challenge anyone who thinks this to turn their thermostat up to 88 and then see how it feels lol. Needless to say the kids and I have been hold up in my bedroom where I have a room Air Conditioner.

I do however, have some fun news for my family next week. My 3 year old daughter will be taking a soccer camp all next week. It is only 1 hour a day, but should prove to be fun. The even more exciting part is that we are hosting one of the soccer coaches, from Britain!!! We are getting a girl, her name is apparently Rachael, and she is from Ireland I believe? She will be busy most of the day, but we hope to have a great time with her when she isn't working at the soccer camp. I think it will be great and give us all an opportunity to meet and get to know other people from other places!

However, I will probably be MIA from my blog for another week. Not to worry, I'll be back to it next week. Please feel free to e mail me or leave me a message here if you have any ideas or suggestions!

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