Friday, July 09, 2010


Well I have been MIA for a little bit. I did receive one product and will be reviewing that shortly. It has been SO hot here, that even breathing makes me sweat! Here in Washington state, we don't have AC in our homes here so that makes for one miserable blogger when it is hot. Yesterday the high was 95, and the temp inside my house was 88. Now that may not sound bad, but I challenge anyone who thinks this to turn their thermostat up to 88 and then see how it feels lol. Needless to say the kids and I have been hold up in my bedroom where I have a room Air Conditioner.

I do however, have some fun news for my family next week. My 3 year old daughter will be taking a soccer camp all next week. It is only 1 hour a day, but should prove to be fun. The even more exciting part is that we are hosting one of the soccer coaches, from Britain!!! We are getting a girl, her name is apparently Rachael, and she is from Ireland I believe? She will be busy most of the day, but we hope to have a great time with her when she isn't working at the soccer camp. I think it will be great and give us all an opportunity to meet and get to know other people from other places!

However, I will probably be MIA from my blog for another week. Not to worry, I'll be back to it next week. Please feel free to e mail me or leave me a message here if you have any ideas or suggestions!

Friday, July 02, 2010

Bib Anywhere

OK, so you are out at your favorite restaurant, or at least a kid friendly one lol. You have your baby or toddler with you. We all know that kids are messy to say the least! In every mom's diaper bag is a bib or two for those restaurant outings, or the impromptu treat at the zoo. So after dinner, what do you do with that spaghetti and ice cream soiled bib? Back in the diaper bag?? NO, we don't want yet another thing to clean when we get home! Throw it away? NO, that is like throwing money away!

I have the solution! Bib Anywhere! I ordered these for my kids about 4 months ago and I LOVE them. The concept is simple, but it is such a great product. Rather than carrying bibs around with you, and then having to find a bag to put them in so they don't get everything else messy, you can just carry these handy little Bib Anywhere clips! You can use anything from a cloth napkin at a restaurant, to a paper towel (yes a paper towel) at the zoo or park. When you are done, simply unclasp the Bib Anywhere, and leave the napkin behind for the restaurant to clean, or throw the paper towel/paper napkin away. Throw the Bib Anywhere in your bag or purse and you are off. No fuss, no muss, NO MESS!

These Bib Anywhere clips come in a variety of colors and patterns to match any eater's attire.

I will get a picture of my little ones using their Bib Anywhere clips soon, but be sure to check out the website here. Tell them I sent you!

Product Reviews on my blog

I am currently in the process of promoting my blog and getting the word out there about some fabulous products. If you would like to be featured on my blog, and have a review please let me know. I typically don't review products that I can't personally hold, smell, see, use myself. There are of course, always exceptions to the rule. Those products that are a "sure thing", and I think is a must have, I will then write a review.

Please contact me here if you would like to have your item(s) featured on my blog.

As always, please "follow" me by clicking on the "follow me" tab on the left hand side of my page.

Thank you,

Mom to E and J.

Clothing Dividers

We all know that kids have a LOT of clothes!!! I have 2 kids and between them I think I could open up a used clothing store! Some of my children's clothing is folded in drawers, but the great majority of them are hanging up! When kids are young, they grow out of their clothes faster than you can blink. For this reason, I take any hand me downs that friends and family want to throw at me. I also shop the sales and if I see something cute, but it's not in their current size I go ahead and buy it, knowing they will soon grow into it! I don't want to store these soon to be worn clothes in a box, to be forgotten by the time they can be worn. I want to hang them up, but wait, what size were all of these extra clothes again?

Most women have a baby shower when they are pregnant. What is one thing we get a ton of? CLOTHES, in ALL sizes! Any nesting mom knows that those last few weeks are spent frantically trying to organize the new baby's room so when he/she is born, mom has nothing to do but enjoy those sleepless nights! But wait, what size was that little seer sucker dress Aunt Rose sent her? Where is the 3 month size hoodie, because I know he is going to need it soon?

Well fret no longer about where and what sizes all those clothes are! My new friend at paperpartydesignco has the solution!!! Clothing Dividers!! Now we don't need to keep those horrible store hangers with the little tiny size collar on it! She makes THE CUTEST  clothing dividers to keep all your children's clothing separated by size so there is no question what size everything is!! Best of all she has designs of all kind, from stripes to animals. We aren't talking plain old ordinary dividers here, this is custom!

Please check out her site here, and tell her I sent you!

She is no one trick pony either! She makes all sorts of other "paper" products that you need to check out. She has cake toppers, birth announcements, bookmarks, etc.

I don't currently have any of these clothing dividers, but I will be ordering these soon! It doesn't take a genius to know these are a must have for ANY mom! These would make a GREAT baby shower gift. The things that helped me stay organized are the ones I remembered the most from my baby shower!

Here are just a few pictures of her awesome Clothing Dividers. Hurry, go check them all out!!

And right now you can recieve a 10% discount if you mention that you saw her product here. Just tell her that Butterflies and Bullfrogs sent you over!!! Now you can't beat that can you?? Go ahead, head on over to her site and grab some of these awesome creations!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Clingy Cords

I am starting my reviews with something I found a few years ago that I think is a must have for any mom, dad, grandma, babysitter, ect. out there!! What is this wonderful product? It is none other than Clingy Cords, by CaitiMacCreations.

When my daughter was a baby and still drinking from a bottle, she though it was funny to throw her bottle out of her stroller when we were out and about. This got very old, very quickly! After picking her bottle up off the ground and disinfecting it about 100 times I decided to search for a solution. I started by going to the local baby store and looking for something to prevent this. I thought surely someone has thought of something to keep this from happening, and to keep parents sain! Sure enough, someone had, a lot of someones! I looked at about 5-6 items all neatly hanging up in the store that were supposed to solve my problem. I chose 2 that seemed the easiest to use. One of those was a strap with a ring on it that you attached to the bottle by unscrewing the nipple and inserting the ring, then screwing the nipple back on. Ok, well that is a nice idea, except when you have a full bottle and a crying child! I used that product all of 3 times before it went away. To much trouble and made to much of a mess. The next one I tried was a strap that had a buckle and an adjuster that went around the bottle. It worked, but the buckle left room between the apparatus and the bottle making it easy for a child to get the bottle out, or pinch their fingers in the buckle.
I thought that my only option was to continue to pick up the bottle from the ground every time she threw it from her stroller or high chair.

I decided to go on line and search for a bottle holder for strollers. I soon came across CaitiMacCreations and her wonderful product the Clingy Cord. The idea was novel, and the product was a great price and adorable to boot!! I promptly ordered one and waiting for it to arrive! The day I got it I was heading out to the store, and checked the mail on the way out. It came, and I thought no time like the present to try it out. As soon as we got to the store, I attached the bottle to the cord and then hooked it on stroller and we were off. I was SO impressed the first time my daughter threw her bottle and it didn't land on the floor! Not only did it not land on the floor, it bounced up and down like a bottle bungee cord lol. I was hooked! It was easy to put on, I didn't have to take the nipple off, it stayed on the bottle and there was nothing to pinch or poke anyone!! When I returned home I ordered another one and never looked back. I then started carrying 2 with me. One for the bottle and another for a favorite toy. Because it is a soft material with elastic, you can attach it to anything. There is a bead that you slide to tighten the product to an item and miraculously it doesn't loosen with regular use. The cord is also sewn together in the middle to prevent a child from putting it around their neck, so the safety factor is wonderful as well. When my daughter stopped using a bottle, we went to a sippy cup and this product works wonderfully on those as well.

When I had my son, I ordered 2 more clingy cords because my daughter's cords were girly colors and I didn't want my son to have to use his sister's girly colored cords lol. Here is a picture of my son in his stroller using his clingy cord, and in a high chair using his clingy cord. I need to get a better picture of him with it, but you can still see it in these pictures.

The owner of CaitiMacCreations and inventor of the infamous Clingy Cord is Carolyn Carter, who is herself a sweet and creative gal! She not only created the clingy cord, but she has many other items that are adorable!!!  She even has a facebook page to promotes her products along with many other ETSY products. Please join her facebook page here and tell her I sent you! And of course go to her website to buy the Clingy Cord and other great products!

Stay tuned for my next review.....

Product Reviews

So I am embarking on a new endeavour, reviewing products. This idea came from a recent e mail I received from sunshine kids baby to review 1 of 2 products. I replied to the e mail as soon as I received it, and I should receive my new product in 1-2 weeks. The best part of it all is that I get to keep the product! It's a win win for everyone! They get a review and I get a cool new product (we hope). What is the product you ask? Well you will just have to wait until I get it and test it out!

Why did I call my blog "Butterflies and Bullfrogs"? Well, mainly because I am the proud mother of 2 wonderful kids, a girl and a boy. I thought Butterflies and Bullfrogs was a great way to represent both my children on this blog. My kids are the reason I am starting this blog, so I wanted something that represented each of them.

I hope to review new products as this blog takes off.

In the meantime I am going to take it upon myself to write a few reviews of products that I am currently using. These first products I will review are ones I found by myself, paid for and have been using. These are just a few of my favorite things!

I am hoping to get this blog out there and recruit a lot of followers. If I have reviewed your product, and you like/agree with my review, please pass this blog along to your friends and acquaintances.